1. We got childcare all settled for Abigail this fall. I was stressing about it, because I really wanted our previous part time babysitter to watch her again, but this time it would be full time and I was worried that her vegetarian beliefs may present a problem. I know it sounds lame, but I really want both of us to be comfortable and if it was going to bug her I didn't want to force her to do it. I also firmly believe meat is good for kids, and wasn't willing to compromise. I also wanted to see what her terms would be, and as we're friends too discussing money is somewhat uncomfortable for me. She was TOTALLY supportive and all her answers to my questions made me feel completely at ease. She even told me she is developing a baby learning curriculum to use while she watches Abigail. Much better than a normal sitter, and she won't be watching any other kids which makes me feel much safer. Oh, and she's a certified foster mom in Home State and I know all the classes and training you have to do for that. So I know Abby will be safe.
2. I finally got a printer and a bunch of supplies for school. It's sort of shocking what a few years out of school does to your supplies. I can't live without highlighters or Post-its.
3. While in D.C. I purchased lots of fun things for myself, including a nice pen. I like having a nice pen, it makes me feel all official. The bonus of this is that the pen is a penlight, and the light is really bright (probably LED) and it projects the seal of the US Patent and Trade Office. (I got it at their museum gift shop.) I think it's quite nifty.
4. I got my office mostly set up. I still need to find a chair somewhere, although I honestly don't know how much I'll be sitting at my desk. I have the huge overstuffed chair and ottoman (now nicely slip covered) in my little reading nook and I know I'll spend a lot of time there. For the hairy stuff though, requiring a table to spread out books etc. I think I'll probably just use the library at school. We'll see how it goes.
5. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the required book for orientation week. I'm quite enjoying it, which makes me super nerdy I think.
6. All the passion I felt about law school when I attended Admitted Students' Day has come back. All that hemming and hawing about whether to go is melting away as I prepare, and knowing Abigail will be in a happy and safe place each day has really helped with that.
7. I think some of my undergrad legal courses have ruined me, because I read the title "Whose Monet" and immediately guessed the conclusion and started rambling in my head about conversion. No surprises for me I guess!
8. I have roughly three weeks to finish my quilt. I finally succumbed and picked it up off the floor so I could actually use my office, but I numbered all the squares so I can keep working on it. I am determined to actually finish it before school starts.
9. Abigail has been exceptionally cuddly since she came home from Nana and Bompa's house. I think she subconsciously knows I am going to miss her so much when I am in school and is giving me the extra loves I need. Here she is wearing Nana's glasses.

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